Welcome to Redeem the Commute. I’m Ryan, your host for this daily challenge. It’s Thursday, the day we try to apply and live out what we’ve learned this week from the Bible. This week we’ve been studying how the Israelites built a tabernacle, or portable temple, while they were journeying toward the promised land after escaping slavery in Egypt.
We’ve been talking about worship – how this was all about the Israelites showing God their love for him, that they considered him worthy of their time, their gifts, their talents, and so on.
This is a whole life endeavour – worship isn’t just something Christian do at church, or the ancient Jews did at the tabernacle in the desert. Worship is when someone uses everything they have to communicate their love and thanks for God and what he’s done for them. A church service, like the tabernacle in the desert, can be a great focal point for that worship. It’s a way to practice worship in a focused environment – singing and praying words of affection, giving generously, serving and helping, touching and tasting communion bread and wine, and spending time away from other activities. It helps us practice that so we can better rmembember and acknowledge God’s presence all week.
This is easily misunderstood. Many people will assume you worship, serve, give and so on to earn something from God. They often won’t realize this isn’t the point.
Look at the Israelites – God saved them from slavery in Egypt, and forgave them for their rebellion and idolatry when they worshipped a golden calf idol.
After all that, THEN they worshipped by sacrificing so much to build a portable temple to their God.
It’s meant to be the same in a Christian life – worship isn’t something that erans you brownie points in heaven. Serving and helping others isn’t an accomplishment to tout at the pearly gates. They are evidence of a life and heart that has experienced God’s grace and love, and couldn’t let it go unthanked.
I go to great pains to teach my children to say thanks when someone gives them a gift, big or small. I want them to learn gratitude, and to recognize they aren’t self-sufficient, but part of a family, and community, and children of God who provides everything.
It’s a lesson many of us want to teach our children, but how many of us practice it ourselves? How often do we show our gratitude to God for all he’s done?
Challenge: First, list off some of the ways God has blessed you. Now, what is your worship language? What actions, words, or gifts, or time sacrificed would best show God your thanks for his love? Write something tangible next to each word, and pick one to put into action right now