Best of 2014: Friday

We pray and reflect on this week’s closing out of 2014. [permalink append=”#comments”]Discuss the Challenge[/permalink]
Best of 2014: Redeemer’s First Baptisms – Thursday

Redeem the Commute is a mobile app and web site for busy commuters. We like to call our marriage, parenting and Christianity 101 courses life changing, but is it true? April’s story is one of life change. She started taking the Christianity 101 course in the fall of 2013, and encountered the story of God’s […]
Best of 2014: Pioneer Spirit – Wednesday

What was the meaning of all this about Jesus’ followers speaking different languages or “tongues”? It was a sign that the impossible mission they’d been sent to accomplish was actually possible. I love to rock climb, and I used to pride myself on never needing chalk. I considered myself a good climber with just my […]
Best of 2014: Jesus the Shepherd – Tuesday

We asked yesterday what kind of item might be so important that if you lost it, then found it again, that you’d throw a party to celebrate its return. I can’t imagine there is much, beyond other people, we’d do that for! Well, Jesus told a story about this in the book of Luke. 1 […]
Best of 2014: Reset Body & Food – Monday

Hi! Welcome to Redeem the Commute. I’m Ryan, you host for the daily challenges. These daily challenges are meant to help people explore what it means to follow Jesus even during our busy commuting lifestyle. If you’ve never looked into what that means in the first place, I’d really encourage you, check out our Christianity […]
Christmas – Friday

We pray and reflect on this week’s topic. Meeting with a Group? Your discussion questions are in this week’s Group Study Guide [permalink append=”#comments”]Discuss the Challenge[/permalink]
Christmas – Thursday

We’ve talked this week about toys that mimic real life, but are missing the key ingredient – even though it might bring danger and difficulty. I’m not here to rant about the toys of today and tell you they’re better or worse than before, like some kind of grinch. I’d rather talk about emptiness of […]
Christmas – Wednesday

We’ve been considering if our world, and us humans, are like a broken masterpiece. If so, how would God fix it? He could play it safe and digitally touch it up. There’d be no more mistakes, no more explosions. Or, he could use the same dangerous ingredient that made the whole mess in the first […]
Christmas – Tuesday

Yesterday we were talking about Christmas commercials advertising toys that mimic reality. I asked if virtual reality was the same as the real thing, or if something important was missing. Do you thinking biking on a computer screen the same as biking in real life? Do you think you could paint the Mona Lisa with […]
Christmas – Monday

In just a few days, many homes will find children sprinting for the Christmas tree to open presents. There might be a few surprises and classics, but there will also be the year’s hot new toys, demanded by children who’ve seen the amazing commercials on TV. One year, I noticed a theme running through the […]
Jesus: God in the Flesh – Friday

We pray and reflect about this week’s challenge. Meeting with a Group? Your discussion questions are in this week’s Group Study Guide [permalink append=”#comments”]Discuss the Challenge[/permalink]
Jesus: God in the Flesh – Thursday

Yesterday, we learned about the humbling sacrifice it took for God to come to earth, as Jesus, born a human baby in awful circumstances. We aren’t the first to notice. We see this documented beautifully in the writing of Paul, an early Christian teacher and leader. Have this mind among yourselves, which is yours in […]
Jesus: God in the Flesh – Wednesday

This week we’re exploring the story of Jesus’ birth, and how it shows Jesus was God. An angel said that Mary, a virgin, would have a child, and should name him Jesus (a pretty common name at the time). Most importantly for this week’s topic, Matthew wrote in his biography of Jesus that this was […]
Jesus: God in the Flesh – Tuesday

We’re exploring Jesus’ identity as God. It makes sense of all the other characteristics we’ve studied in this series. The prophet Isaiah spoke these words for God 500 years before Jesus’ birth: Therefore the Lord himself will give you a sign. Behold, the virgin shall conceive and bear a son, and shall call his name […]
Jesus: God in the Flesh – Monday This is our last week in our fall 2014 series – Jesus the Most Interesting Man in the World. Over the last few weeks, we’ve seen: Jesus as Protector and Guide (Shepherd) Jesus as Revolutionary Jesus as Teacher Jesus as Forgiver Jesus as our Foundation (Rock) Jesus as Priest and Sacrifice Jesus as Powerful […]