Friday – Reflect – Pioneer Potential

We pray and reflect about our challenge topic this week. Meeting with a Group? Your discussion questions are in this week’s Group Study Guide [permalink append=”#comments”]Discuss the Challenge[/permalink] Two Dates to Remember: Our Outdoor Movie Night Returns – TONIGHT – September 19th at 7:30pm in Ajax – More Info
Thursday – Act On It – Pioneer Potential

This week we’re concluding our series on the Book of Acts. We read yesterday how Paul was where God needed him to have maximum influence. He was in Rome, the center of the Roman Empire, and had two years of relative peace. It says he lived there at his own expense, and I asked yesterday […]
Wednesday – Change It – Pioneer Potential

We learned yesterday about Paul arriving in Rome, a place of great influence, where he hopes to convince Caesar, the Emperor, about the good news of Jesus Christ, and anyone else he meets. He tried to share it with some of his fellow Jews, but was rejected by all but a few. Does he give […]
Tuesday – Study It – Pioneer Potential

I asked yesterday, why Paul was so bent on getting to Rome, the capital of the Roman Empire. Was this to make him famous? To expand his personal influence? No, it was to expand the influence of the gospel, the good news of Jesus. Last week, we read a story where Paul had a hearing […]
Monday – A New Idea – Pioneer Potential

I had a friend in university who dove right into student politics. He was elected first to the faculty society, then a university-wide position. He gained a wide-ranging education in three separate disciplines. On Facebook, he posts fascinating insights into world issues, and isn’t afraid to support his favourite political party. A few years ago, […]
Friday – Reflect – Pioneers and Power

We pray and reflect about our challenge topic this week. Meeting with a Group? Your discussion questions are in this week’s Group Study Guide [permalink append=”#comments”]Discuss the Challenge[/permalink] Two Dates to Remember: Our Outdoor Movie Night Returns – September 19th at 7:30pm in Ajax – More Info
Thursday – Act On It – Pioneers and Power

This week we’re studying a story where Paul found himself arrested after yet another riot. It was partly for his protection, so the authorities could figure out if he was really a rabble rouser, or simply a victim of the crowds who were threatened by the Christian message. In that time, he appeals to Caesar, […]
Wednesday – Change It – Pioneers and Power

We saw yesterday that Paul was given himself a chance to defend himself in front of two powerful men, King Agrippa and his local ruler, Festus. He started in an unusual way, describing his story of coming to know Jesus, and how that transformed his life. He was preaching the very message that got him […]
Tuesday – Study It – Pioneers and Power

We skipped a few chapters of the Book of Acts to get here. In those chapters, Paul found himself in yet another riot. He was arrested and protected by Roman guards, especially when they realised he was a Roman citizen. He used those rights, and said he wanted to take his case all the way […]
Monday – A New Idea – Pioneers and Power

I’ve been following the story of Christian persecution in Iraq for weeks. A violent extremist group has been terrorizing Christians and other religious minorities, despite them having coexisted peacefully for centuries. Most of this news I’ve seen on social media, and a lot of it has been attached to comments where people wondered why isn’t […]
Friday – Reflect – Pioneers and Profit

We pray and reflect about our challenge topic this week. Meeting with a Group? Your discussion questions are in this week’s Group Study Guide [permalink append=”#comments”]Discuss the Challenge[/permalink] Two Dates to Remember: Our Outdoor Movie Night Returns – September 19th at 7:30pm in Ajax – More Info
Thursday – Act On It – Pioneers and Profit

This week we’ve studied a story from the Bible where some of the first Christians got into trouble after a silversmith realized his business carving silver idols of their local goddess would dry up if everyone converted. So he stirred up a riot that only got quelled when a local official stepped in and helped […]
Wednesday – Change It – Pioneers and Profit

We’re studying a story in the Bible where the Christian movement began to threaten the bottom line for some silversmiths, who made a lucrative business making idols, objects of worship. One of them, Demetrius, incited a riot that got out of control, filling a theatre with people yelling how great their city’s goddess was, and […]
Tuesday – Study It – Pioneers and Profit

Yesterday I told you some stories of how following Jesus can impact the bottom line. Here’s a time it happened in the Bible: [23] About that time there arose no little disturbance concerning the Way. [24] For a man named Demetrius, a silversmith, who made silver shrines of Artemis, brought no little business to the craftsmen. […]
Monday – A New Idea – Pioneers and Profit

Over the last few weeks, I’ve told you a few stories about people who found themselves drawn to following Jesus as Christians, and yet were a little apprehensive because they knew it would be bad for business. The rock musician whose stage persona is one of anger, apathy and irreverence. What would their fans think, […]