Thursday – Act On It – Finding Rest

Thursday – Act On It – Finding Rest

Our efforts to impose rest on ourselves often fail.  That’s because the problem is not one of having the right tools to get things done, avoid procrastination, etc.  We can use these things, but it really starts with our hearts – and there is a problem in our hearts called sin – the consequence of […]

Wednesday – Change It – Finding Rest

Wednesday – Change It – Finding Rest

Yesterday we explored a story about Jesus and his followers eating grain in the fields on a Saturday, a day of rest, and getting in trouble from the religious authorities.  In his response, Jesus referred to one of the great heroes of the Jewish faith, David, who ate holy bread in the temple when he […]

Tuesday – Study It – Finding Rest

Tuesday – Study It – Finding Rest

In our day and age, it is hard to find rest.   We are always connected and that has changed our hearts.  We often feel important and needed when we can’t turn off our Blackberries, and can’t stop working.  That’s today’s reality. In a different way, it was hard to find rest in Jesus’ day.  It […]

Monday – A New Idea – Finding Rest

Monday – A New Idea – Finding Rest

It can be very hard to find rest in our world.  Between a Blackberry, kids, the home phone and social media, it can be hard to focus on anything, much less rest. One study found that people who are interrupted by technology score 20 percent lower on a standard cognition test.  A second demonstrated that […]