Jesus is… Teacher – Thursday

Jesus is… Teacher – Thursday

Welcome to Redeem the Commute. I’m Ryan, your host for this daily challenge. It’s Thursday, the day we try to apply and live out what we’ve learned this week from the Bible. This week we’ve been studying Jesus as a teacher, and much more than just a teacher. We explored yesterday how Jesus claimed the […]

Jesus is… Teacher – Wednesday

Jesus is… Teacher – Wednesday

Hi, welcome to Redeem the Commute. I’m Ryan, your host for the Daily Challenges. Yesterday we read the story of Jesus reading from the Bible in his hometown, and then instead of teaching about the passage, he simply said, “Today this Scripture has been fulfilled in your hearing.” It certainly seems he was claiming to […]

Jesus is… Teacher – Tuesday

Jesus is… Teacher – Tuesday

Hi. Welcome to Redeem the Commute. I’m Ryan, your host of the daily challenges. Today is Tuesday, the day we study the Bible together. This week, as part of our series on the identity of Jesus, we’re going to study how Jesus was a teacher, and much more. Very early in his public ministry of […]

Jesus is… Teacher – Group Study Guide

Jesus is… Teacher – Group Study Guide

Are you meeting regularly with a discussion group? If you meet just once a week, you can find all of this week’s discussion questions in one place right here. Question: What good teachers do you recall? Was it because of their teaching skills, or other qualities?  Why? Reading:   And Jesus returned in the power of the Spirit […]

Friday – Reflect – Teacher

Friday – Reflect – Teacher

We reflect and pray on this week’s topic. Meeting with a Group?  Your discussion questions are in this week’s Group Study Guide [permalink append=”#comments”]Discuss the Challenge[/permalink]

Thursday – Act On It – Teacher

Thursday – Act On It – Teacher  We’re studying a story this week where Jesus described the reasons for his (at times confusing) teaching style.  We learned that those looking for God’s kingdom would find it in Jesus and his teaching, but those looking for knowledge, moralism or wealth would walk away confused. So, what is the seed?  It is the […]

Wednesday – Change It – Teacher

Wednesday – Change It – Teacher  Yesterday we heard a story Jesus told about one seed being planted in four different soils, that all respond quite differently. The path is hard beaten with no protection. The seed stays on the surface, and birds snatch it up. The rocky ground does not have enough soil, so although it began growing, that […]

Tuesday – Study It – Teacher

Tuesday – Study It – Teacher

This week we are exploring how Jesus was known as a Teacher.  Certainly he was aware of this, since he intentionally gathered disciples like a rabbi, a Jewish religious teacher.  He consciously cultivated that image, not just with a few followers, but he also gathered crowds and spoke to them, like in today’s reading: That […]

Monday – A New Idea – Teacher

Monday – A New Idea – Teacher

A friend of mine went to a seminary on the west coast to become a minister, and was thrilled to have studied under a really well known professor. He’d written books of all kinds, edited magazines, pastored churches, taught classes. One of the best known Christians in the world. I honestly didn’t know that much about him before […]

Group Study Guide – Teacher

Group Study Guide – Teacher

Are you meeting regularly with a discussion group? If you meet just once a week, you can find all of this week’s discussion questions in one place right here. Question: Who was the hardest teacher you ever had? Did the hard work of paying attention pay off? Reading: That same day Jesus went out of the […]