Ryan Sim - June 27, 2013

Thursday - Act On It - Influences

We're exploring who has influence on our spiritual lives. We've seen four tests to identify a negative spiritual influence. The good news is that Jesus is the one teacher who satisfies the tests he’s just laid out. Attractiveness. Long before his birth, Jesus was described in this way by the prophet Isaiah: He had no beauty or majesty to attract us to him, nothing in his appearance that we should desire him. People chose to follow him because of his teachings, and his claims about himself, that were far from superficial. He taught with authority of his own, regularly hinted at his identity as God. This apparently had nothing to do with the way he looked, the tone of his voice, or the size of his hairdo. No one mentions it int he Bible. It has everything to do with the truth of his words. Consistency. He made bold claims, but Jesus was absolutely consistent in living them out. Scour the Sermon on the Mount, and see if you can find any occasion where he contradicts his words. He said to pray in secret. While praying to his Father, he went away, sometimes to a garden, to be alone. He said to turn the other cheek. While being arrested, told his friend to put down his sword and let it happen. He said, love your enemies. While hanging on a cross, said “Father forgive them”. His words were also consistent with God’s word throughout centuries. He told us in the Sermon on the Mount he was the fulfillment, not rejection, of the Old Testament law. God hadn’t changed his mind, God wasn’t wrong, God was fulfilling his purposes in Jesus. He regularly quoted the Old Testament law, and then got right to its core – the heart change that went beyond fearful obedience. His words are consistent with the lives of his followers. He never promised we’d be millionaires, drive Cadillacs, or never experience pain or sorrow in this life…like some false teachers will claim to get your money or devotion. He did promise that he’d bring about a kingdom far better, and invited us to follow him there, taking up a cross. He was definitely not short lived. He is still worshipped today. Jesus rose from the dead, and still lives today, both reigning over the universe and living in the hearts of those who follow him. 2000 yrs on, the words of the Sermon on teh Mount are revered the world over…and have brought life to those who’ve not just revered them, but lived by them. The Church exists because he and his teachings were not short lived, but of eternal value. By following him, our lives can be transformed Motives. After all his teaching and healing, he died on the cross for us. There was no benefit for himself, except that he would close the separation between us and God. He had our best interests at heart. If you have found teaching of false prophets lacking, urge you to test Jesus. Not just those who claim to represent him, for good or ill, but test Jesus himself. Read his words, if find him attractive not in a flashy superficial way, but rather find that he satisfies your deepest yearnings. Invite him to be your teacher, become his disciple. Then experience his risen, eternal life and its transformative power in your life, consistent with all he taught. If you've never experienced that, and you’ve been accepting less, then my hope is that you’ll try the real thing. Contact Ryan to learn about what that could look like in your life! Challenge: Who has been a positive spiritual influence in your life? You should spend more time together, set up coffee, phone call or lunch with them! Who can you influence in the same way? Set up time with them, too.

From Series: "Sermon on the Mount"


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There is some teaching, especially when it’s unoriginal and shallow, that you can take under advisement. You can simply say, “That’s interesting” and then move on with your life.

We read stuff like this all the time. Magazine articles. Newspaper. Blogs. Facebook posts. Some people are very skilled at rehashing other people’s research in entertaining and interesting ways.

I often read things that are of little value to me. They’re just interesting, and not going to change my life.

I hope the Sermon on the Mount we’ve been studying is not that way for you.

We saw last week – hearing and living these words is like building upon a stone foundation for life. Hearing and ignoring these words is like building on a sand
foundation that washes away.

How you hear the Sermon on the Mount is like the difference between a wedding announcement and invitation.

With a wedding announcement in the newspaper or on Facebook, you say, “Oh, look, they’re getting married, how nice”.

An invitation is quite different, since it has your name on it. It’s for you. We want you to come.

The Kingdom of heaven is often described as a party, and it would be a party with the most original, profound teacher ever at its centre. The very source of truth, wisdom is the attraction.

His way of life would now be the only reality. The kingdom he’s been describing, would be there in living colour.

He’s issued that invitation to you. Come to my kingdom, my celebration, my party. And this is not just a future reality, somewhere else. It’s something we are called to start practicing now, really living it out, to be ready for the full production .

Life on earth is meant to be a practice party, and you’re invited.

We’re establishing a new church, or Christian community, in Ajax – and it will be built on the model of a party with Jesus at the center.

It will be like nothing you’ve ever experienced before. We’re planning our first party for this fall.

Challenge: We’re running a poll right now, that you can find in our app or here on our web site: bit.ly/15B2yry Tell us what kind of party you could RSVP to!

Watch the Video: : http://vimeo.com/70141643