Jesus says to love our neighbours, and includes enemies in his definition.  In this week’s story Jesus confronted the reality that Samaritans and Jews were neighbours yet enemies, and said that his followers need to love and serve one another beyond such divisions.

Elsewhere, he says it quite clearly: love your enemy.  Turn the other cheek.  Go the extra mile.  My favourite part is where he says, “If you love those who love you, what benefit is that to you? For even sinners love those who love them.  And if you do good to those who do good to you, what benefit is that to you? For even sinners do the same.”

Loving your friends is nothing special, but loving your enemies is special indeed.  It’s hard, it’s messy, it feels very risky, compromising and vulnerable.  But when we avoid loving our neighbours and enemies, we live in isolation, fear of the unknown and misunderstandings.

One mayor told a church leader: “The majority of issues that our community is facing would be eliminated or drastically reduced if we could just figure out a way to become a community of great neighbours.”

It’s hard to know what to say, do, when life gets messy, and especially when our love isn’t returned.  It’s easy to just give up and say Jesus’ command is too hard to follow.

But that can be explained simply enough.  We haven’t got enough practice loving those closest to us, who aren’t our enemies, in order to be ready for loving our enemies.  Loving our friendly, similar neighbours is good training for the big leagues.

So – start by just finding out – Who is my neighbour?

mapthumbDownload the attached Block Map.  You are in the middle of the grid, and think of the other squares in the grid as your neighbours across the street, beside and behind your home.  Or if it’s more appropriate, think of it as your workplace, and the squares as neighbouring cubicles.  Then write in each square:

  1. Their Name(s)
  2. One Fact About Them
  3. Something Deeper – A hope, dream, fear, challenge, etc.

Try and complete the grid as much as possible, and discuss with your group.

We meet for coffee every Wednesday night at Starbucks in the Chapters Store in Ajax, in Durham Region just East of Toronto.  Maybe we’ll see you there?

Ryan Sim - May 30, 2013

Thursday - Act On It - Worry

Sermon on the Mount

Today we look at how Jesus teaches us to stop worrying Helene Hadfield said she doesn't worry about her husband while he's in space, despite the high level of risk involved in his work. "If I did, I would go crazy. You can either spend your time worrying or spend your time enjoying the whole process and knowing Chris was loving every second of the time. For me to worry, it would be counterproductive because it would take away from his joy," she said. "And I trust him. I trust that he can fix things and he knows what's going on and he's trained for so many years and he's so competent. But most of all, I just know that he loves what he does so it doesn't matter what the risks are." Read more: She has faith in her husband, but of course he's not God, he's just a man in the sky! For our worries, the solution involves deeper faith, but in God. This is why Jesus says, “You of little faith.” He's not telling people with no faith to get on it. He's talking to his followers, people with some faith, and he wants them to deepen their reliance on him. Apply him to all areas of life…trust him with his creation, rather than thinking its all ours. Having God's kingdom as first priority means we can have all sorts of second priorities. Think back to the image of our water glasses last week - pouring into God's kingdom overflows into our worldly needs. But if I worry about building my kingdom, I am consumed by worry. Note that Jesus isn't saying he'll give you all your wildest hopes and dreams. He’s offering a bird's level of food and a flower’s level of clothing! Oh, and citizenship in his kingdom. That's what makes it all worthwhile. Challenge: From your worry list, what do you love more than God? How can you love God first, and those things second? In what decision today can you extend a little more trust to God than before?

From Series: "Sermon on the Mount"

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