When people ask you how you’re doing – have you every included the word “busy” in your answer?

One NY Times article called “The Busy Trap” that went viral commented, “It’s become the default response when you ask anyone how they’re doing: “Busy!” “So busy.” “Crazy busy.””

Notice it isn’t generally people pulling back-to-back shifts in the I.C.U. or commuting by bus to three minimum-wage jobs  who tell you how busy they are; what those people are is not busy but tired. Exhausted. Dead on their feet. It’s almost always people whose lamented busyness is purely self-imposed: work and obligations they’ve taken on voluntarily, classes and activities they’ve “encouraged” their kids to participate in. They’re busy because of their own ambition or drive or anxiety, because they’re addicted to busyness and dread what they might have to face in its absence.

Yes, for most of us, busyness is a choice, and we kind of like it!

But what are its consequences?

One psychiatrist listed a few:

  • It is so easy with cellphones and BlackBerrys a touch away.
  • It is a kind of high.
  • It is a status symbol.
  • We’re afraid we’ll be left out if we slow down.
  • We avoid dealing with life’s really big issues — death, global warming, AIDS, terrorism — by running from task to task.
  • We do not know how not to be busy.

There are many, but we’ll focus today on the consequence for our neighbours, since Jesus said this was so important.

When I first moved to Ajax, it naturally took a little time to meet all our neighbours.  Most memorably, two distinct families said the same thing when they met us.  One said, “I’m really sorry we’re just meeting you, I had made cakepops for you guys, but then got too busy to bring them over.”  Another said the same thing, “my wife was going to bake a pie to welcome you, but we got too busy.”

It’s heartbreaking – firstly because I could have had some excellent desserts, but also because it’s obvious how hectic our lifestyles can be, and how it inhibits forming lifegiving relationships.

Question: On a scale from 1 to 10 how busy is your life right now?

Ryan Sim - May 8, 2013

Wednesday - Change It - Self Denial

Sermon on the Mount

Jesus talked about fasting, or intentionally denying ourselves for a greater good. The Pharisees were advertising their supposed humility to the world. So Jesus’ challenge is this: “And when you fast, do not look gloomy like the hypocrites, for they disfigure their faces that their fasting may be seen by others. Truly, I say to you, they have received their reward. But when you fast, anoint your head and wash your face, that your fasting may not be seen by others but by your Father who is in secret. And your Father who sees in secret will reward you. (Matthew 6:16-18 ESV) Jesus wants his followers to fast for God alone. This is different from a hunger strike, like the one Theresa Spence engaged in. She put herself in the most conspicuous place possible – an island - and had staff dealing with her media relations. All about advertising her fasting, to make a political message. Jesus doesn’t want his followers fasting to make a point, force change, or advertise their religiosity. He wants them to fast privately, for God. If his followers can fast, and look and act ordinarily, God will see their humility, and no one else needs to know. And that was meant to be the point, right? What about today – why would anyone fast? We see three reasons people fast in the Bible, same today: 1. Prayer – Particularly for making special decisions. To turn to God for direction, we turn away from something else that might try to direct us. 2. Self-discipline – Our bodies can cause us to sin, they are broken versions of what God created them to be. We want not just our wills to align with God’s will, but all of us, including our bodies. 3. Care for the Poor – I have a friend who intentionally lived on Ontario Works level of income. She decided to live more simply than necessary, to give that money to others, or in the case of fasting, food. These are all reasons to fast for God: prayer, to be self-disciplined in avoiding sin, and to care for others. These are great reasons for self-denial – all ways to turn away from sin in our world, and towards God. John Stott: We have to become so conscious of God we cease to be self-conscious. Question: What are you self-conscious about? When do you pay the most attention to what others will think?

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