Yesterday Levi decided to follow Jesus, invited his colleagues for supper with Jesus.  We saw all that meant for Levi, and today we see what it meant for his culture.

And the Pharisees and their scribes grumbled at his disciples, saying, “Why do you eat and drink with tax collectors and sinners?” And Jesus answered them, “Those who are well have no need of a physician, but those who are sick. I have not come to call the righteous but sinners to repentance.” – Luke 5:30-32 ESV

What Jesus says makes so much sense in theory. Of course Jesus came to heal broken people, including these kinds of extortioners who’ve sold out their nation.

But it’s so easy to forget that in practice.

The Pharisees don’t seem to think Jesus should be friends with those he intends to heal.  They act like he should keep a safe distance, perhaps as an aloof example of how good he is and how bad they are.   Perhaps if they change their ways, then they can be seen with him.

Christians can do the same.  Sometimes we’d rather give to a distant charity than help a neighbour.  We’d rather keep a safe distance from people’s issues, perhaps we worry about what people will think if they see us with certain kind person.

This is a problem since we see Jesus doing the opposite.  He goes right to people who don’t know him, and don’t act like him.  He goes right to the sick, and heals them.  The problem is Pharisees don’t see themselves as sick.

This is part of why we don’t advertise this as a Christian resource.  We’re not looking to be a resource just for those who already go to church, know Jesus, and like that kind of thing.

If that’s you, it’s okay, you can support and join our team in this work – get in touch with me.  What we’ll work on together is building a community of people that includes those who’d never show up at church to learn about Jesus.

It’s such people as that we exist for.  Now that’s a pretty familiar group.  It gets much more interesting when you consider what it’s like to serve prostitutes, drug addicts, and so on.  What does it look like for Jesus’ followers to sit down and have supper with them in a way that introduces them to Jesus?  We’ve included one fascinating example for you to watch here. 

Question: Why do you think the religious authorities, the Pharisees and scribes, react the way they do?  Have you ever reacted similarly?

Ryan Sim - June 12, 2013

Wednesday - Change It - Needs

Sermon on the Mount

Jesus’ description of God as a loving, caring father who wants to provide for our needs, not necessarily our wants, means that God answers prayer in one three ways: Yes, No, Later Most of us are happy when God says Yes to our prayers, although you should be warned that sometimes we get more than we bargained for when God says yes to our prayers, because the yes may lead to consequences we could never have imagined. So sometimes in a clear, and often dramatic way, God will say Yes to our prayers. We asked to hear Redeem the Commute stories, and the very day that someone prayed about that, we heard Jason’s story. But sometimes God will say no for a variety of reasons. Our prayers may have the wrong motives, like “drop dead prayers”. Prayers for revenge, fame and fortune rarely get answered with the word yes. Sometimes we are praying for simply frivolous things. “Lord please give us a sunny day for a soccer match”---when the local farmers are praying for rain. Sometimes God says no because we are requesting what is not good for us, and we can’t even see it. God loves us and knows what it is best for us. Yesterday: Good parents do not always give their children what they ask for. If a 4 year old asks to play with the knives a good parent says no. By answering every prayer Yes, God would in effect abdicate, turning the world over to us to run. History shows how we have handled the limited freedom granted to us: genocide, wars, polluted the earth, concentrated pockets of wealth and grinding poverty. God will answer no if the things we ask for are either not good in themselves, or not good for us, or good for others, either immediately or ultimately. Ruth Graham (Billy Graham’s wife) tells a story “God has not always granted my requests. If he had I would have married the wrong man, several times. Awful things happen in world – like Oklahoma tornadoes. Some were praying in that moment of terror or death. Some people are still alive, and were not praying. Exactly how God answers prayer is a mystery. All that we say today about prayer must be said with all humility because at some point we stand back and respect and bow our heads before the mystery of prayer, especially the mystery of hearing the word No. Later is of course a combination of Yes and No. Yes, but not now. No for now, but yes for later. And of course what we may perceive as a no right now, is in fact a later. Sometimes no and later can in hindsight be a great blessing, that only makes sense in hindsight. Question: Since prayers can be answered in these three ways, how do you think Jesus wants his followers to pray?

From Series: "Sermon on the Mount"


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