In this series on being great neighbours, that ends this week, we’ve looked at 6 shifts:

Stranger -> Neighbour -> Acquaintance -> Partner -> Friend -> Family

We’ve encouraged you to learn neighbours’ names, stories, work together, become friends, and now your challenge is to find people of peace in your life.  Start sharing Redeem the Commute with them.  Perhaps you could do the Marriage course with your spouse and some other couples.  Or you could do the parenting courses with other parents.  Then take Christianity 101 together, and then the daily challenges.  Make a habit of eating together whenever you can, and talking about things that matter.

This is our vision, to be a network of small groups who are being the church.  We don’t want to be a church you go to, but a church on the go.  We don’t want you to just go to church, but to be the church every day.  We’ll be the church when we are scattered around the GTA at work, and scattered around our various neighbourhoods, but also when we gather for community events.  We started this with our outdoor movie night, and next we have a trivia night.

After that, we’ll have a Christmas event. We want it to be welcoming for local residents and families, generous for those in need, and introduces the story of the original Christmas party. We’re about to start planning, so let Ryan know if you would like to help!

In the next series, Becoming Like Family, we’ll look at what it means for you, and perhaps your own immediate family to be part of God’s family, called the church.  See you there!

Challenge: Ask your person of peace for help with the party you’re planning.  Then invite them to follow challenges, or another course, with you.

Ryan Sim - July 3, 2013

Wednesday - Change It - Knowing

Sermon on the Mount

Yesterday, we saw one misunderstanding of Christian faith – that's it's just about saying the right words to go to heaven. Words can be faked, spoken out of fear or manipulation, or we may be afraid of their power. So it’s tempting to say Christian faith is not at all about words, and only about good works. You may know people like this - I knew one who said they didn't need to be part of a Christian community, or church, simply because she was a nurse who cared for sick people. People regularly quote St. Francis of Assisi, who the current Roman Catholic Pope named himself after, as having said something like “Always remember to preach the gospel, and if necessary, use words.” But it’s a misquote, he probably never said it, and probably didn’t belive it. Neither did Jesus. That's why this is the second misunderstanding of Christian faith Jesus wanted to confront. Jesus says he’ll send away those who say, "Lord, Lord, did we not prophesy in your name, and cast out demons in your name, and do many mighty works in your name?" It seems these people did amazing things in Jesus name. They performed many of the same deeds as the disciples. They would prophesy – speaking God’s truth. They were casting out demons, and doing other mighty works – miracles! But these things aren’t enough. For example, with the miracles, it seems God could do great things through people like this. But that didn’t make the person great, and it's apparent they considered themselves great because of their deeds. The problem is their dependence on those great acts. They plan to show up at heaven and explain all they’ve done. Like a celebrity stalker showing up at the celebrity’s house, to tell them how great their imaginary relationship is, and all the things he’s been doing to earn her love. No thank you. I don’t know you. Something is missing. It can’t just be words, can’t just be actions. We'll see tomorrow what it is. Question: If Christian faith was just about doing the right thing, how would this contradict what Jesus said earlier in the Sermon on the Mount, or elsewhere? We meet for coffee every Wednesday night at Starbucks in the Chapters Store in Ajax, in Durham Region just East of Toronto. Maybe we'll see you there?

From Series: "Sermon on the Mount"


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