This week we’re exploring the importance of meeting regularly with other Christians, as part of a church community.

The Bible passage we’re exploring this week suggests two purposes to gathering:  Encouragement and Worship.  We’ll focus on worship next week, and for this week we’ll focus on the encouragement part.

Encouragement to what?  Hebrews says community can encourage us to love and good works.   First, what would it mean to be encouraged to love in a community?  Think of the relationships that form through fun and fellowship.  Our Movie Night is one example – we had a great time, and some online members met one another, and a neighbourhood.  Our Wings & Trivia was the same, and our Christmas Event will be, too.

Honestly, are churches are meant to get along.  I know someone who went to a church and attended a few worship services, and decided to join.  But first, they wanted to attend a business meeting of a church – and he walked away saying, “these people don’t believe what they say.”  They were not charitable, loving, kind or generous at all, even though they claimed to believe in a God who is.

The Church is meant to be a preview of the kingdom of God.  It’s described in the Bible as a party – like we are already in heaven.

The Church is meant to love one another as themselves…even though the rest of the world may not love them the same way.

The Church is meant to care for one another with generosity of Christ, who died for his friends.

We could go on, but it all starts with spending time together, knowing each other’s needs, hopes, dreams, routine and more.  Some people like to call this, “doing life together” even though it’s a bit clichéd.

Question: Go out for lunch, drinks or coffee with someone.  When can you get together with your discussion group simply for fun?  Or if you don’t have one yet, think of who you could share our challenges and discussion with, and start by simply inviting them to something fun.

Reminder: Last week we saw the importance of reading the Bible together in sync, so our new daily bible readings start today in our mobile app and web site.

Read the Bible in Sync Today

Ryan Sim - April 2, 2014

Wednesday - Change It - Reset Death

Hi, welcome to Redeem the Commute. I'm Ryan your host of the Daily Challenges. Here we are in a cemetery because this week we're studying how following Jesus resets our views of death, and in fact, Jesus resets death itself. In yesterday’s passage, a Christian leader named Paul calls dead Christians “those who are asleep”. The suggestion is that they will wake up in the kingdom of heaven, and be no different from those who might be alive when the kingdom of heaven arrives fully. How does Paul figure? They will wake up because Jesus woke up. There is a direct connection. Jesus Died – definitely. We have lots of great textual evidence that matches science to say that Jesus definitely died, it was no mistake. See Christianity 101 for more! He spent Saturday in the tomb, and rose on Sunday. In that time in the tomb, he destroyed death’s power. Usually death is final, but Jesus treated it like a 3 day nap. Death is nothing to fear for one of Jesus’ followers. Paul asked elsewhere: death, where is your sting? He taunts it, knowing it has no power. Jesus’ victory is not just someone else’s victory to celebrate. He was the first, not the last, so we can follow him not just in life, but through death to new life. He doesn’t promise that we’ll never die a physical death, like the Thessalonian Christians apprently thought. But if we do, he will raise us. One pastor asked a child whose mother died: would you rather be run over by a truck, or its shadow. It’s shadow, because it wouldn’t hurt. Well, your mother has not been run over by death, but by the shadow of death. Regardless of whether we are alive or dead when the kingdom comes, it comes. We arrive there not by our own power, religiosity, etc. but by Jesus’ pioneering work on the cross. He went through death, conquering it first, and invites you to follow. But that’s just death, how does this impact life? You may know the song, “Live like you were dying”. The idea in that song, and else where, is that if you’re dying you waste everything you have, party it up, before it’s all gone and you’re over. But if death is destroyed by Jesus, death is now a state we pass through, so living like you were dying means living like every day brings you closer to God’s kingdom. That means using our resources wisely, no wasting them. It means preparing for the kingdom of heaven, so often described as a party, not just partying it up for a moment. For a Christian, living like you were dying means not taking the short view, but the long view of eternity. Question: How does Jesus’ death impact your own view of life, and death?


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