This week we’re exploring how following Jesus impacts our lifestyle by one principle: grace.  Grace is one of the most important, life-changing aspects of Christian story.  Here’s how the Bible talks about grace:

But God, being rich in mercy, because of the great love with which he loved us, even when we were dead in our trespasses, made us alive together with Christ—by grace you have been saved—and raised us up with him and seated us with him in the heavenly places in Christ Jesus, so that in the coming ages he might show the immeasurable riches of his grace in kindness toward us in Christ Jesus. For by grace you have been saved through faith. And this is not your own doing; it is the gift of God, not a result of works, so that no one may boast. For we are his workmanship, created in Christ Jesus for good works, which God prepared beforehand, that we should walk in them.

(Ephesians 2:4-10 ESV)

Here is an easy way to remember the meaning:


A friend had a young child at home, and a baby on the way and his mother loved to help out by cleaning up the house.  One particularly stressful time she was coming down to decompress the situation by cleaning up the house.  My friend came home that day to find his wife madly cleaning up the house, before the mother in law arrived.  She didn’t want her mother-in-law to see a messy house, even though she was there to clean it as a gift.

We so often we think that we have to have cleaned up our lives before we can accept what God wants to give us.   We don’t have to have sorted ourselves out before we can accept God’s free gift of forgiveness, his grace.

When you ask someone why they don’t like Christianity…you’ll often hear “it’s just a bunch of rules.”  I don’t need a book to tell me how to be a good person.  If that was true, I wouldn’t want to be part of this religion either.

But it’s not true…that’s the religion that Jesus came to get rid of, and not his hope for us.  Here’s the version of Christianity that people are usually describing:

  1. Obey God’s laws
  2. God will accept you
  3. He’ll provide you with loving care
  4. He’ll give you a new status, as a servant of God.


This is a law religion, the kind of thing the Pharisees liked to promote.  Jesus didn’t have very nice things to say about that!

The problem is – no one has ever obeyed God’s laws perfectly enough to earn God’s love.  Actually, there was one person – Jesus.  He knew our hopeless situation, and did something about it.  Jesus was all about grace.  This involves the same steps, but in a different order:

  1. God loves and accepts you…unconditionally
  2. God will provide you with loving care.  He wants to be part of your life today, not some day in the future.
  3. God will give you a new status: Child of God adopted into his family
  4. You now return God’s favour with thanksgiving and living in his way.

In grace…we are given God’s love, care and fatherhood as free gifts, even before having proven ourselves worthy, and that gives us a lot to live up to!

Question: Where have you typically seen laws and rules in your faith?  As the way to earn God’s love, or respond to it?  Why?

Reminder:  Last week we talked about worship, and asked you to complete our online survey about worship here:

Reminder: Earlier in this series, we saw the importance of reading the Bible together in sync, so our new daily bible readings start today in our mobile app and web site.

Read the Bible in Sync Today

Ryan Sim - December 4, 2013

Wednesday - Change It - The Night That Changed The Religious

We saw yesterday how the religious experts who read prophecy day in day out, still got it wrong when it came to Jesus. They missed that one of the ancient prophecies about the Messiah was happening before their eyes. So what did they miss? They missed grace and hope. Religion at its worst can be about building a ladder to heaven, trying to make ourselves acceptable to God under our own power. But what Christmas means is that God has come to us. No ladder required. Two weeks ago, we contrasted grace and law as part of our Becoming Like Family series. Grace means we have hope. It’s not primarily about what we do for God, it’s about what God has done for us, and everything we do is a way to say thanks. The problem is if you’ve invested a great deal in self-help, you may not recognize or accept true help when it comes. You can be so sure of your hard work that you brush off help saying “I’ve got this!” when you really don’t. Who would have expected God to come as a baby, much less a homeless baby born in questionable circumstances, with the most common name at that time, Jesus? But people didn’t just call him Jesus, he called himself God, and others came to do this as well. Yes, Jesus claimed to be god. That is a claim that no other leader of a major world religion has made. Jesus didn’t go around standing on street corners shouting “I am God” in language that plain and simple, but when you look at what he taught and claimed, he was conscious of, and claiming to be God in some more subtle ways. And he was subtle for good reasons. In the culture of his day, saying he was God would have been considered blasphemy – a crime punishable by death. So he showed it in all sorts of interesting ways: He spoke of himself using “I AM” sayings – a deliberate hint to the Jewish name of God – Yahweh, which means “I am”. He also said, he was one with the Father he was the Son of God. he had the power to forgive sins he was greater than the temple – the most important place of worship for the Jews and God’s presence on earth In the gospel of Mark, Jesus is asked directly by some religious leaders “Are you the Christ (anointed one), the Son of the Blessed One ?” Jesus said “I am …” Jesus was making an incredible and dangerous claim to be God incarnate—which means God in the flesh One of the central truths of Jesus’ religious context was that there is only one God. When Jesus started to talk in this way, it was dangerous, but it was also life changing. He wasn’t claiming to be a new God, a second God, even a demigod. He was claiming to be the God, their God – the God who created, and then stayed with the Israelites through their history, there with them in an entirely new way. Question: Do you know people who change when their boss, or parents, or another authority figure enters the room? How would the world change when God entered the room?


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