As we become a church, a community of people learning to follow Jesus in sync even while apart, we are working to be commited to five key things.  This week, we’re looking to be commited to generosity in our resources.  We want to be known for this as a community.

One of the first church leaders, Paul, wrote this to Timothy, who he was mentoring to lead churches after him:

As for the rich in this present age, charge them not to be haughty, nor to set their hopes on the uncertainty of riches, but on God, who richly provides us with everything to enjoy. They are to do good, to be rich in good works, to be generous and ready to share, thus storing up treasure for themselves as a good foundation for the future, so that they may take hold of that which is truly life. – 1 Timothy 6:17-19 ESV

We asked yesterday if you knew anyone who worshipped money, and how you could tell.  That’s exactly what Paul is warning about here.  He doesn’t want the church to be a community where people set their hopes on material things.  If we do, we will quickly find they are not eternally safe.  Stocks fall, companies bankrupt, mortgages default, technology goes obsolete, and goods rot and rust away.

A right attitude about money and posessions doesn’t start with rules, principles or anything on this earth, rather it starts with God himself.  If you put your faith and trust in him first, you will see money and material differently as a result.  We’ll look at four shifts in our thinking:

It All Comes from God

God is not trying to take money away from us.  We are being invited to share in God’s work and to commit our resources to this work.  This invitation is always a privilege. It comes from our need for God, not God’s need for us

The book Outliers by Malcolm Gladwell says something that Chrsitians have known all along.  He looks at highly successful people in our world, and searches for the origins of their success. Not once does he find a self-made person who engineered 100% of their own success.  Each had unique opportunities handed to them, that allowed them to excel.  This is how Christians have always known our lives to work!

This is a shift: We are now managing the money, time and talents that have been entrusted to us by God, in order to make sure that God’s work is done.  When applied to personal finances, to how we use our time and our natural skills and abilities, this is an absolutely radical concept. It goes to the very core of who we are and how we see ourselves.

We Need to Give

The conventional wisdom concerning money is that we have to learn how to hang on to it, not how to give it away.

We need to give in order to be free:  The seductive power of money is undeniable.  But it is disarmingly subtle.  In ensnares us without our even being aware of it.  It wraps chains around our hearts, our minds, our imagination without our even noticing….

There is only one way.  The power of money can only be broken by learning to give it away.  The basic question is simply, Will I control my money, or will my money control me ?

When we begin to give, the chains begin to break.  This can be very uncomfortable, frequently it is painful.  Yet once the chains are broken we experience the sheer exhilaration of freedom.  Only then do we realize how tightly the chains were wrapped around our heart.  Only then can we really understand what Jesus meant when he said, “It is more blessed to give than to receive.”  We were created to give, not to hoard…Jesus wants us to be free.

We need to give in order to find fulfillment:
Enough always seems to be just a little bit more than I have right now.  A study was done by an economist called George Barna and it shows that most people seriously believe that they need approximately $8-10,000 more a year to live the way they would like to and no matter how much their income increases they still believe they need 8k-10k more.  They never find it.

People who give of their time and resources in service of others will tell you time and time again how incredibly fulfilling it is…that happiness doesn’t come from wealth, financial or otherwise, but rather because they are happy with what God has given, they are able to be contented and happy in all things, and that is a kind of wealth in itself that overflows into all parts of life.

Question: Have you ever found freedom or fulfillment in giving?  Why?

Read the Bible in Sync Today

Ryan Sim - March 3, 2014

Monday - A New Idea - Reset Family

Hi! Welcome to Redeem the Commute. I'm Ryan, you host for the daily challenges. These daily challenges are meant to help people explore what it means to follow Jesus even during our busy commuting lifestyle. If you've never looked into what that means in the first place, I'd really encourage you, check out our Christianity 101 course first. You can take it live in-person or through our mobile app; great introduction to the basic concepts of what it means to follow Jesus that we try to build on in the Daily Challenges. Every day and week, we follow a rhythm to help us, as one community, learn what it means to follow Jesus even when we're not physically together. Every Monday,we introduce the idea for the week. Every Tuesday, we see what the Bible has to say. Every Wednesday, we allow ourselves to be challenged in our thoughts. Every Thursday, we try to apply it and live it out in our lives. Every Friday, we take time to pray and reflect on the topic. Saturday is a day for rest and then Sunday is a day for community. We're going to start gathering together as one community soon. We just recently had a great baptism service and celebration where a number of our members came together in one place to worship God. We're going to do that more and more often over this year. So, stay tuned for some of our upcoming gatherings. We're in a series right now called, "Reset." We're looking at how deciding to follow Jesus resets everything in our lives. We've looked at a number of areas that it impacts. This week we're going to look at how following Jesus impacts our view of family. What’s a family for? Yes, there is a functional reality that families are a vehicle for providing food, shelter, etc. to our young. But family can also be an end unto itself – lots of people see raising a family, or raising a certain size of family, or a perfect family, as their life goal. I recently read a book by Kevin O’Leary book of Dragon’s Den fame, where he repeatedly spoke about developing a family dynasty. The book opens with a story of divorce, where the husband had an affair and squandered his family dynasty because he didn’t realize the value of what he’d built up with his first wife. Kevin bases his book on wanting people to see “value” in their family, which he considers a place to teach values about money, debt, hard work, etc. But he never asks: why? The problem when we see family as an end unto itself. Families are made up of broken human beings, they regularly break down, and they don’t always start. If we’re living for family, that’s very risky. Jesus knew that Family can become an idol, or something we worship and pursue above all else, that could compete with his and God’s place in our hearts: 35 For I have come to set a man against his father, and a daughter against her mother, and a daughter-in-law against her mother-in-law. 36 And a person’s enemies will be those of his own household. 37 Whoever loves father or mother more than me is not worthy of me, and whoever loves son or daughter more than me is not worthy of me. 38 And whoever does not take his cross and follow me is not worthy of me. (Matthew 10:35-38) We can worship family, but when family fails to happen (or happen perfectly), that leaves us with nothing to hold onto. We need a purpose outside of this world, and Jesus fulfills that. Much as people think Cxity is about promoting marriage and family values, that can’t be the whole story – Jesus and one of the church’s key leaders were single! According to theologian Stanley Hauerwas of Duke University, Christianity was the very first religion or world-view that held up single adulthood as a viable way of life. Pastor and Author Tim Keller says, “Nearly all religions and cultures made an absolute value of the family and of the bearing of children. There was no honor without family honor, and there was no real lasting significance or “legacy” without leaving heirs.” That sounds like Kevin O’Leary’s religion, but Christianity stands in contrast to this! Clearly Jesus and Paul were promoting a different vision of family in their own lives and teaching. Question: What do you think a family is for? What’s the point? What makes a good family vs. a bad one?

From Series: "Reset"

When our computers get bogged down and unmanageable, we know to hit a reset button to simply start over. Wouldn't a reset button be great in life? We know it would be complicated, with all our responsibilities and routines to consider, but imagine the freedom and refreshment of a new start in life! What would you do differently? What would you pay more attention to, and what would you ignore? How would you avoid getting bogged down and broken again? The great news is, in coming to earth as Jesus Christ, God has begun to "reset" our universe, our world, and even us. We're invited to start over with him, in what he calls his kingdom. We're invited to start a new life with a clean slate. What gets wiped clean, and lived differently, when God resets our lives? We'll explore how God resets these key areas of our lives: Reset: Goals Reset: Time Reset: Money Reset: Work Reset: Body & Food Reset: Sex & Marriage Reset: Family Reset: Compassion Reset: Nature Reset: Society Reset: Death Join us for the next several weeks, and invite God to reset your life.


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