We’re looking this week at how our views of money change as followers of Jesus.  Here are the words of Paul, one of the first Christian leaders, to his protégé, Timothy.

But godliness with contentment is great gain, for we brought nothing into the world, and we cannot take anything out of the world. But if we have food and clothing, with these we will be content. But those who desire to be rich fall into temptation, into a snare, into many senseless and harmful desires that plunge people into ruin and destruction. For the love of money is a root of all kinds of evils. It is through this craving that some have wandered away from the faith and pierced themselves with many pangs.  (1 Timothy 6:17-19 ESV)

A Christian author, NT Wright note that we give lip service to the maxim that “money can’t buy happiness” and then give life-service to the opposite.

We don’t need to prove it, we’ve all seen this kind of thing.

One example, when someone is quite wealthy, they might buy more homes.  But since they can’t be everywhere at once, they need to get security systems or guards, repair people, landscapers and more.

With more wealth comes the need for lawyers, accountants, investment advisors, and all the work and stress of coordinating them properly.

A friend owns a home by the lake, which is beautiful.  But the amazing view comes at a cost, as they are constantly replacing shingles after every windstorm.

Another example: Justin Bieber’s incredible success and wealth may also be his downfall.  He is able to try and buy happiness in cars, drugs, and surround himself with friends so dazzled by it all that they won’t try to stop him.  But we’ve seen recently, that it’s not working.  His wealth has turned into a trap, a snare.

Is Paul saying money is bad?  Or houses by the lake, or pop music?  No, but money is also not good, or happiness, in and of itself.

This is why Paul says carefully, the love of money is the root of many evils.

Money isn’t the good to be loved.  It represents the good, it’s just a piece of paper, metal or computer data used to exchange for actual goods and services.  The further our modern currency gets from the actual goods it was meant to represent, the closer it gets to an idol for worship in and of itself.  Money is a stand-in for actual goods, and becoming less and less grounded in reality since treasuries no longer actually have to have gold on hand for every dollar they print.

What are idols?  They were things like statues worshipped for rain, sun, fertitility, whatever people wanted to control.  They stand in for a real relationship with God who can’t be controlled.  They allow us to become ungrounded from reality, since we elevate ourselves to the status of controlling nature through our gods.

If we pursue money alone, we are pursuing something at the whim of the markets that is ultimately meaningless. We can see this as the Canadian dollar recently plugned below 90 cents US.  Manufacturers who signed contracts at $1.00, bought supplies at $0.95 and got paid at $0.90 have all seen just how subjective money can be when it’s unhinged from the actual goods it is meant to represent.

The risk is that we’ll pursue this kind of thing in life, and worship things in our lives whose value is constantly in flux, hardly eternal.  They may not be little statues anymore, but idols are very much objects of worship today.

That’s why Paul states the obvious truth: we brought nothing into this world, we cannot take anything out.  Despite that, we regularly treat money, possessions in life as if they are permanent and of eternal value.

Question: When have you seen someone’s love for money lead to evil?

Read the Bible in Sync Today

Ryan Sim - May 5, 2014

Monday - A New Idea - Pioneer Story

Pioneer Story

Look down at your hands. Chances are you’re holding an Apple device. Well over ¾ of Redeem the Commute’s mobile users use Apple devices. It’s incredible technology that has ended up in the hands of millions quite quickly. It’s more powerful than computers in the space shuttle that put humans into orbit, yet we mostly use it to crush candies and fly birds into buildings. We take it for granted, we know iPods, iPhones, iPads have been around long enough we forget how they came to be. Whose idea was this? How did they do it? How did they market it so effectively? How did they become such a high theft item? How did they travel the world? Answering those questions is why there’s been so much fascination with the life of Steve Jobs. Many an article, a feature film, and more have been produced. We love our founding stories. In the story of Steve Jobs and his garage startup, you can find the character of Apple the company. The ingenuity, the creativity, the resolve and drive, the secrecy, and the mystique. Even as other leaders have their turn leading the company after his death, they always have his legacy to contend with. As we walk the streets of Western countries, we can get used to seeing church buildings – big and small, traditional and contemporary architecture, Roman Catholic, Anglican, United, and more. But how did they get here? Why are there church buildings, much less people who build, maintain and use them? I used to pastor four churches in Eastern Ontario, and one was a very old church. When I arrived, they were about to celebrate what they thought was their 150th anniversary, but while I was there, we discovered that was wrong. The bricks and mortar were indeed 150 years old, but the church was in fact much older than their building. The church is a community of people learning to follow Jesus. And in the days of early pioneers, this community was meeting in a tavern, then a hall and a school before they ever built a structure of their own. They met in those spaces because they could learn about Jesus together as a community. We had to go back to our founding stories, and our founding figures to realize we were much more than a building…we were a church…we were supposed to be all about Jesus. We needed to be shaped by our founding story, and our founding pioneer – Jesus Christ. That building is being closed in less than a month, but the church will carry on. They’ve joined with the other nearby churches to follow Jesus together in another building. As we talk about Redeem the Commute becoming a church community, we aren’t talking about a building either, we’re talking about a community shaped by our founding pioneer Jesus. The book of Acts in the Bible tells the founding story of those who established church communities after his death and resurrection to keep following him. In this series, we’ll be looking at that pioneer story, how the first Christians survived, thrived, and organized. We’ll read through the highlights of the Book of Acts. You can do this as an individual watching the videos each day and discussing with others as you go, or we have a new option if you’re meeting weekly with a group. You can watch the videos each day, but we’ll also produce a weekly small group study guide with all the week’s Bible readings and questions in one place. Question: Tell your pioneer story to someone. This can be as simple as explaining how the lifestyle choices and priorities that you do are based on the teachings of Jesus, or why you dedicate time to Redeem the Commute’s challenges.

From Series: "Pioneer Story"

We read through the Book of Acts as a Pioneer Story for the church.


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