Hi! Welcome to Redeem the Commute. I’m Ryan, your host for the Daily Challenge. Today’s Tuesday; it’s the day we explore in the Bible the topic that we introduced yesterday. We’re in a series called, “Reset” right now, looking at how deciding to follow Jesus resets some really important areas of our lives. We’ve looked at several and this week we’re looking at how it resets our view of food and our body.

We’re going to try to understand it using some of the words that Paul wrote to the church at Corinth. The letter is called 1 Corinthians. He wrote the following when trying to relate how we view our bodies in respect to food and how we view our bodies with respect to sexuality. Here it goes, “All things are lawful for me, but not all things are helpful. All things are lawful for me, but I will not be dominated by anything. Food is meant for the stomach and the stomach for food and God will destroy both one and the other. The body is not meant for sexual immorality, but for the Lord, and the Lord for the body.

The very beginning of what Paul had to say there was actually a quotation, it’s kind of hard to tell when I’m just reading it out loud, but if you’d seen it in print you’d see that, at least our modern translations of the Bible mark that out as a quotation. Paul was quoting a very common saying in his culture, “All things are lawful for me.” You can imagine how that was used. People had very similar attitudes to people today, “You know what, anything goes.” “Do what feels right.”

Paul was using food as an example in this passage of how we view our bodies. Then, he applied it later on to sexuality. We’re going to look at that next week. It’s a little easier to talk about food and our bodies. It’s a little less emotionally charged. We can see some of the same principles at work.

Ever since the 60s in particular, western culture has been very permissive. Simply said, “You can do pretty much anything that feels good to you.” It’s almost unlimited, but most of us, if we really think about it, do want to see some limits. We’ll say, “You know what, do what feels good, do what you think is right as long as you don’t hurt someone else.” Or, “As long as you’re not an elected official.” Or, “As long as it doesn’t involve children.” You can go on. We want things to be as unlimited as possible in our culture, but generally, we recognize that it can’t be completely unlimited. There’s got to be some limit that, even if something feels good, we need to stop.

The reason that Paul talks about this is it seems that the Christians in the city of Corinth were very much adopting the same, “All things are lawful for me” as their own. As Christians they knew that they had been saved by grace alone, not through anything they’d done or not done, but simply because God loved them and wanted a relationship with them. They understood the concept of grace, but then it seems they were running too far with it, saying, “Okay, since we are saved by grace, it doesn’t matter what we do.” “Since we don’t have to earn God’s love by following his law, we don’t have to follow his law at all. All things are lawful for us.”

They were kind of taking God’s amazing gift of grace and abusing it, taking it places it was never meant to go. They were using it as a license for all kinds of things and Paul uses the example of how they were just being gluttons to illustrate how they were using and abusing their bodies in other ways. We’ll talk about that next week, but for now let’s just think about the gluttony aspect of it. It’s clear that they were abusing themselves. They were taking the bodies God had given them and using them in ways that God had never intended. They were trying to use God’s gift of grace as justification for that.

Paul was willing to agree to a point and say, “Yes, all things are lawful for us.” “We don’t need to be saved by following God’s law anymore, but that doesn’t mean there are no limits.” What happens is, if we try to consider something completely unlimited in our eyes, “We can eat as much as we want.” “We can do as much sexually as we want.” All these kinds of things like that. When we take license with no limits, we very quickly become dominated by what it is we think we’re there to enjoy. That’s why Paul used that language. “Yeah, okay, all things are lawful, but I will not be dominated by anything.”

When we leave the domination of the law for grace, we have make sure we continue living under grace and we don’t become bound by some other system of laws, or by something else. For example, I know a friend who found himself, at one point, in his lowest point in life, homeless and on the streets with a drug problem. He eventually found his way out of that life, but it was amazing to see what a shop-aholic he became. He left addiction to drugs for addiction to shopping and spending. It could be equally damaging in his life if he continues to spend like that in ways he can’t afford. It can still ruin his relationship. It can still ruin his relationship with God. It can still ruin his life. He’s just traded one domination for another.

The question is, if we have to be dominated or owned by something, what’s it going to be? What’s the best thing to devote our lives to? What’s the best thing to pursue above anything else? If it’s not going to be food, if it’s not going to be sexuality or drugs, what will it be, since it has to be something? We will always trade one thing for another. We can’t be completely free to enjoy unlimited things in life. That’s not what they were designed for. So, what will it be?

Paul is suggesting that for the Christians in Corinth, it’s meant to be their devotion to Jesus Christ. That’s meant to be the number one thing in their life. What that leads to is the resurrection of the body. It’s a term that Christians have long used to describe that what we’ll pursue in this life, what we’ll have in the next. If we pursue a relationship with God, we’ll have a relationship with God after death as well. If we’ve avoided, then we won’t have it. But we want it, right? In the same way what we do with our physical bodies matters now.

If we see them as God’s, something to be treated as if they belong to God and used for God, then after death, we can expect our bodies to be raised. It’s clearly something we’ve been pursuing in this life, something that will belong in the next, kind of why Paul says something about stomachs, he says, to elaborate on the saying tha t all things are lawful, he says, “The stomach was made for food and food for the stomach, but God will destroy both.” What he’s saying is that there are some more important things than just filling our stomachs today. We want to treat our bodies as if they belong to God today. We want to treat our bodies as if they matter. We want to treat our bodies as if they matter forever and  they will be with us forever, that this isn’t just about feeling good for the moment.

That’s something I want you to consider as you discuss with some friends what you’ve learned today.

Question: “How does what we eat and do with our bodies impact our resurrection bodies?” “What does it tell God about our interest in heavenly bodies when we abuse our physical bodies now?”

Well, have a great discussion. I’ll see you tomorrow.

Read the Bible in Sync Today

Ryan Sim - May 5, 2014

Monday - A New Idea - Pioneer Story

Pioneer Story

Look down at your hands. Chances are you’re holding an Apple device. Well over ¾ of Redeem the Commute’s mobile users use Apple devices. It’s incredible technology that has ended up in the hands of millions quite quickly. It’s more powerful than computers in the space shuttle that put humans into orbit, yet we mostly use it to crush candies and fly birds into buildings. We take it for granted, we know iPods, iPhones, iPads have been around long enough we forget how they came to be. Whose idea was this? How did they do it? How did they market it so effectively? How did they become such a high theft item? How did they travel the world? Answering those questions is why there’s been so much fascination with the life of Steve Jobs. Many an article, a feature film, and more have been produced. We love our founding stories. In the story of Steve Jobs and his garage startup, you can find the character of Apple the company. The ingenuity, the creativity, the resolve and drive, the secrecy, and the mystique. Even as other leaders have their turn leading the company after his death, they always have his legacy to contend with. As we walk the streets of Western countries, we can get used to seeing church buildings – big and small, traditional and contemporary architecture, Roman Catholic, Anglican, United, and more. But how did they get here? Why are there church buildings, much less people who build, maintain and use them? I used to pastor four churches in Eastern Ontario, and one was a very old church. When I arrived, they were about to celebrate what they thought was their 150th anniversary, but while I was there, we discovered that was wrong. The bricks and mortar were indeed 150 years old, but the church was in fact much older than their building. The church is a community of people learning to follow Jesus. And in the days of early pioneers, this community was meeting in a tavern, then a hall and a school before they ever built a structure of their own. They met in those spaces because they could learn about Jesus together as a community. We had to go back to our founding stories, and our founding figures to realize we were much more than a building…we were a church…we were supposed to be all about Jesus. We needed to be shaped by our founding story, and our founding pioneer – Jesus Christ. That building is being closed in less than a month, but the church will carry on. They’ve joined with the other nearby churches to follow Jesus together in another building. As we talk about Redeem the Commute becoming a church community, we aren’t talking about a building either, we’re talking about a community shaped by our founding pioneer Jesus. The book of Acts in the Bible tells the founding story of those who established church communities after his death and resurrection to keep following him. In this series, we’ll be looking at that pioneer story, how the first Christians survived, thrived, and organized. We’ll read through the highlights of the Book of Acts. You can do this as an individual watching the videos each day and discussing with others as you go, or we have a new option if you’re meeting weekly with a group. You can watch the videos each day, but we’ll also produce a weekly small group study guide with all the week’s Bible readings and questions in one place. Question: Tell your pioneer story to someone. This can be as simple as explaining how the lifestyle choices and priorities that you do are based on the teachings of Jesus, or why you dedicate time to Redeem the Commute’s challenges.

From Series: "Pioneer Story"

We read through the Book of Acts as a Pioneer Story for the church.


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