Thursday – Act On It – Generosity in Resources

This week we’re learning that our money, our time and our natural skills are resources to be used in ways that will allow God’s purposes to be realized. Amazingly we are given total freedom in this. There are no set rules or specific suggestions, only the objective. The challenge is to use our imagination and […]
Wednesday – Change It – Generosity – in Resources

We want to be a church known for generosity. Yesterday we saw two principles that a relationship with God teaches us about generosity, and we’ll see two more today. What we have is not as important as what we keep The third principle of stewardship has to do with attitude. This is a far more […]
Tuesday – Study It – Generosity – in Resources

As we become a church, a community of people learning to follow Jesus in sync even while apart, we are working to be commited to five key things. This week, we’re looking to be commited to generosity in our resources. We want to be known for this as a community. One of the first church […]
Monday – A New Idea – Generosity – in Resources

We are in our last weeks of a new series on “Becoming Like Family”. This is important as our online community begin to share the daily challenges with friends, and we begin to gather our larger community together as one church community. We won’t be bound together by a building, or institution, but rather by […]
Thursday – Act On It – Grace – in Lifestyle

Tuesday and Wednesday of this week, I introduced the idea of grace with a diagram. We will build on that now, so if you missed it, go back and watch Tuesday and Wednesday’s content. You may be familiar with the Ten Commandments. They are an important part of the tracks that God has created for […]
Wednesday – Change It – Grace – in Lifestyle

Yesterday, I introduced the idea of grace with a diagram. We will build on that now, so if you missed it, go back and watch Tuesday’s content. Grace is the most powerful force in the world, it is what makes Christian faith stand out like a jewel—the world craves it—people are so hungry for grace, […]
Tuesday – Study It – Grace – in Lifestyle

This week we’re exploring how following Jesus impacts our lifestyle by one principle: grace. Grace is one of the most important, life-changing aspects of Christian story. Here’s how the Bible talks about grace: But God, being rich in mercy, because of the great love with which he loved us, even when we were dead in […]
Monday – A New Idea – Grace – in Lifestyle

We are a few weeks into a new series on “Becoming Like Family”. This is important as members of our online community begin to share the daily challenges with friends, and we begin to gather our larger community together as one church community. We won’t be bound together by a building, or institution, but rather […]
Friday – Reflect – God in Worship

We reflect and pray about our commitment to worshipping God as a community. Reminder: Complete our online survey about worship here: Reminder: Earlier in this series, we saw the importance of reading the Bible together in sync, so our new daily bible readings start today in our mobile app and web site.
Thursday – Act On It – God in Worship

So why do Christians gather to worship week in and week out? The answer is that there are at least three very good reasons: to acknowledge God’s presence and worth, to remember that we are not alone but part of a community that is growing and learning, and to offer a visible witness to ourselves […]
Wednesday – Change It – God in Worship

Yesterday we defined worship as giving worth to God, or in other words, acknowledging he is at the center of our lives, or we want him there if he isn’t. Worship is about practicing God’s Presence. We can forget God is there in our busy lives, and something tangible can help. A friend of mine […]
Tuesday – Study It – God in Worship

This week, we’re exploring how a church community should be committed to connectedness to God in worship. Humans will never be more connected to God than in the kingdom of heaven, or the kingdom of God. The Bible includes the book of Revelation, which recounts John’s vision of the kingdom of heaven. Here’s what he […]
Monday – A New Idea – God in Worship

We are a few weeks into a new series on “Becoming Like Family”. This is important as our online community begin to share the daily challenges with friends, and we begin to gather our larger community together as one church community. We won’t be bound together by a building, or institution, but rather by five […]