Christmas – Friday

Christmas – Friday

We pray and reflect on this week’s topic. Meeting with a Group?  Your discussion questions are in this week’s Group Study Guide [permalink append=”#comments”]Discuss the Challenge[/permalink]

Christmas – Thursday

Christmas – Thursday

We’ve talked this week about toys that mimic real life, but are missing the key ingredient – even though it might bring danger and difficulty. I’m not here to rant about the toys of today and tell you they’re better or worse than before, like some kind of grinch. I’d rather talk about emptiness of […]

Christmas – Wednesday

Christmas – Wednesday

We’ve been considering if our world, and us humans, are like a broken masterpiece. If so, how would God fix it? He could play it safe and digitally touch it up. There’d be no more mistakes, no more explosions. Or, he could use the same dangerous ingredient that made the whole mess in the first […]

Christmas – Tuesday

Christmas – Tuesday

Yesterday we were talking about Christmas commercials advertising toys that mimic reality. I asked if virtual reality was the same as the real thing, or if something important was missing. Do you thinking biking on a computer screen the same as biking in real life? Do you think you could paint the Mona Lisa with […]

Christmas – Monday

Christmas – Monday

In just a few days, many homes will find children sprinting for the Christmas tree to open presents.  There might be a few surprises and classics, but there will also be the year’s hot new toys, demanded by children who’ve seen the amazing commercials on TV. One year, I noticed a theme running through the […]

Group Study Guide – Christmas

Group Study Guide – Christmas

Are you meeting regularly with a discussion group? If you meet just once a week, you can find all of this week’s discussion questions in one place right here. Question: Are these toys the same as experiencing as the real thing?  Is it better, or worse? For the grace of God has appeared, bringing salvation […]