Friday – Reflect – Pioneers and Politics

Friday – Reflect – Pioneers and Politics

We pray and reflect about our challenge topic this week. Meeting with a Group?  Your discussion questions are in this week’s Group Study Guide [permalink append=”#comments”]Discuss the Challenge[/permalink]

Thursday – Act On It – Pioneers and Politics

Thursday – Act On It – Pioneers and Politics

This week we’re reading three short stories from the Book of Acts in the Bible, that show different people with different interests encountering the Christian message. This is the third and final story of Christians encountering politics as they tried to do good.  We’ve seen a wealthy person welcome the message, influential people who push […]

Wednesday – Change It – Pioneers and Politics

Wednesday – Change It – Pioneers and Politics

This week we’ll read three short stories from the Book of Acts in the Bible, that show different people with different interests encountering the Christian message. Yesterday, we read about a wealthy woman who welcomed the Christians who came to her town.  She wasn’t above listening to the Christian story, or being baptized, and put […]

Tuesday – Study It – Pioneers and Politics

Tuesday – Study It – Pioneers and Politics

This week we’ll read three short stories from the Book of Acts in the Bible, that show different people with different interests encountering the Christian message.  Here’s the first, and remember this is written by Luke, since he mentions himself in the first person: So, setting sail from Troas, we made a direct voyage to […]

Monday – A New Idea – Pioneers and Politics

Monday – A New Idea – Pioneers and Politics

When I was in university, I was a part of the first aid team, and eventually became its director.  Our team responded to ambulance calls on campus, and worked special events.  We had earned the university’s trust over the years, and although we had oversight from about three different groups, for the most part we […]

Group Study Guide – Pioneers and Politics

Group Study Guide – Pioneers and Politics

Are you meeting regularly with a discussion group? If you meet just once a week, you can find all of this week’s discussion questions in one place right here. Question: What good things have you tried to do, but found they were mired in special interests and politics? So, setting sail from Troas, we made a […]