Friday – Reflect – Teacher

Friday – Reflect – Teacher

We reflect and pray on this week’s topic. Meeting with a Group?  Your discussion questions are in this week’s Group Study Guide [permalink append=”#comments”]Discuss the Challenge[/permalink]

Thursday – Act On It – Teacher

Thursday – Act On It – Teacher  We’re studying a story this week where Jesus described the reasons for his (at times confusing) teaching style.  We learned that those looking for God’s kingdom would find it in Jesus and his teaching, but those looking for knowledge, moralism or wealth would walk away confused. So, what is the seed?  It is the […]

Wednesday – Change It – Teacher

Wednesday – Change It – Teacher  Yesterday we heard a story Jesus told about one seed being planted in four different soils, that all respond quite differently. The path is hard beaten with no protection. The seed stays on the surface, and birds snatch it up. The rocky ground does not have enough soil, so although it began growing, that […]

Tuesday – Study It – Teacher

Tuesday – Study It – Teacher

This week we are exploring how Jesus was known as a Teacher.  Certainly he was aware of this, since he intentionally gathered disciples like a rabbi, a Jewish religious teacher.  He consciously cultivated that image, not just with a few followers, but he also gathered crowds and spoke to them, like in today’s reading: That […]

Monday – A New Idea – Teacher

Monday – A New Idea – Teacher

A friend of mine went to a seminary on the west coast to become a minister, and was thrilled to have studied under a really well known professor. He’d written books of all kinds, edited magazines, pastored churches, taught classes. One of the best known Christians in the world. I honestly didn’t know that much about him before […]

Friday – Reflect – Revolutionary

Friday – Reflect – Revolutionary

We pray and reflect about this week’s topic. Meeting with a Group?  Your discussion questions are in this week’s Group Study Guide [permalink append=”#comments”]Discuss the Challenge[/permalink]

Thursday – Act On It – Revolutionary

Thursday – Act On It – Revolutionary

We asked yesterday, why Jesus seemed to be leading a revolution without using any of the usual methods of violence, coercion, hatred, etc. In Jesus, the kingdom that he is proclaiming is deeply connected to the means by which he will bring it in. If the Kingdom of God is a place of peace, freedom […]

Wednesday – Change It – Revolutionary

Wednesday – Change It – Revolutionary

Yesterday we learned Jesus was accused of being a revolutionary. Rebellions were common in those times.  When they heard Jesus might be the Messiah, many would have envisioned violent overthrow, sabotage, and assassination, but Jesus’ revolution was very odd by those standards. For example, he ran into a tax collector once, basically a toll collector […]

Tuesday – Study It – Revolutionary

Tuesday – Study It – Revolutionary

Believe it or not, Jesus was accused of being a revolutionary against the Roman regime. Then the whole company of them arose and brought him before Pilate. And they began to accuse him, saying, “We found this man misleading our nation and forbidding us to give tribute to Caesar, and saying that he himself is […]

Monday – A New Idea – Revolutionary

Monday – A New Idea – Revolutionary

We’re continuing our new series today, called Jesus: The Most Interesting Man in the World. What kind of man can be a shepherd, a revolutionary, a prophet, a king, a teacher, and more? We’ll be studying 14 characteristics of Jesus, far more than most people could ever possess.  We’ll be building up to the last […]

Friday – Reflect – Shepherd

Friday – Reflect – Shepherd

Please take some time to pray and reflect before the workweek ends!   Meeting with a Group?  Your discussion questions are in this week’s Group Study Guide [permalink append=”#comments”]Discuss the Challenge[/permalink]

Thursday – Act On It – Shepherd

Thursday – Act On It – Shepherd

Heaven is a party.  Jesus is wanting to see his kingdom come, on earth, as it is in heaven.  Following him is about copying heaven. If God and the angels are having a great party in heaven every time someone meets Jesus, repents of sin and lives a new life in him, so should we. […]

Wednesday – Change It – Shepherd

Wednesday – Change It – Shepherd

Jesus tells this very short story about a shepherd who loses just one of his 100 sheep, finds it, then throws a party.  It’s short, but it says a lot!  Particularly when we pay attention to who is listening. He tells is to a divided audience that includes tax collectors and sinners, AND religious authorities […]

Tuesday – Study It – Shepherd

Tuesday – Study It – Shepherd

  We asked yesterday what kind of item might be so important that if you lost it, then found it again, that you’d throw a party to celebrate its return.  I can’t imagine there is much, beyond other people, we’d do that for! Well, Jesus told a story about this in the book of Luke. […]

Monday – A New Idea – Shepherd

Monday – A New Idea – Shepherd

We’re starting a new series today, called Jesus: The Most Interesting Man in the World. Jesus has been called all kinds of things, and has done all kinds of things.  They are not coincidental, nor disconnected.  They’re all part of one person. What kind of man can be a shepherd, a revolutionary, a prophet, a […]