Best of 2015 – EPIC: Adam and Eve – Monday

At the conclusion of every year, we share some of our favourite videos from the past 12 months, either because of some nice videography, or some content we thought was really exciting. Enjoy – we’ll return with fresh content next week! We have to start at the beginning, in the Garden of Eden. This […]
EPIC: Adam and Eve – Friday

We pray and reflect about God’s plan, even from the beginning, to deal with sin and brokenness. Reminder: We are reading the Bible in sync as one community – so check out today’s reading at Meeting with a Group? Your discussion questions are in this week’s Group Study Guide [permalink append=”#comments”]Discuss the Challenge[/permalink]
EPIC: Adam and Eve – Thursday

So far, this week’s story has been pretty sad. The story of Adam & Eve’s fall explains why the world is so messed up. Why our kids don’t listen. Why we consistently fail to meet expectations. Why disasters happen, cancer hurts, violence ensues and more. But what about hope? I promised we’d find Jesus in […]
EPIC: Adam and Eve – Wednesday

This week, in our new EPIC series, we’re learning about Adam & Eve in the Garden of Eden. God created the world, then humans, and put them in the Garden of Eden essentially as gardeners, to tend and care for the garden. He only asked them not to try and take his places, as God. […]
EPIC: Adam and Eve – Tuesday

This week, in our new EPIC series, we’re learning about Adam & Eve in the Garden of Eden. God created the world, then humans, and put them in the Garden of Eden essentially as gardeners, to tend and care for the garden. We’re not going to prove whether or how God created the universe. That’s […]