EPIC: Ten Commandments – Wednesday

EPIC: Ten Commandments – Wednesday

Hi, welcome to Redeem the Commute. I’m Ryan, your host for the Daily Challenges. Yesterday we read the story of God giving Moses and Israel the Ten Commandments – ten laws for his people to follow now that he’d saved them from slavery. Now, he didn’t stop there.  Immediately after these Ten Commandments, he started […]

EPIC: Ten Commandments – Tuesday

EPIC: Ten Commandments – Tuesday

Hi. Welcome to Redeem the Commute. I’m Ryan, your host of the daily challenges. Today is Tuesday, the day we study the Bible together. This week we’re going to study the early days of Israel’s identity as an independent nation. And God spoke all these words, saying, “I am the LORD your God, who brought […]

EPIC: Red Sea – Friday

EPIC: Red Sea – Friday

We pray and reflect on this week’s topic. You can [permalink append=”#comments”]Discuss the Challenge[/permalink] online, or by starting a local discussion group! Are you meeting just once a week with your discussion group?  You can find all of this week’s discussion material in our Weekly Study Guide

EPIC: Red Sea – Thursday

EPIC: Red Sea – Thursday

Welcome to Redeem the Commute. I’m Ryan, your host for this daily challenge. It’s Thursday, the day we try to apply and live out what we’ve learned this week from the Bible. This week we’ve been studying how God rescued the Israelites from slavery in Egypt, then from attack by the pursuing Egyptian army, by […]

EPIC: Red Sea – Wednesday

EPIC: Red Sea – Wednesday

Hi, welcome to Redeem the Commute. I’m Ryan, your host for the Daily Challenges. Yesterday we read the story of the Israelites trapped by the Red Sea, having just escaped slavery in Egypt, but now afraid and doubting since they’re in mortal danger.  Moses, their leader, has just told them to not be afraid, do […]

EPIC: Red Sea – Tuesday

EPIC: Red Sea – Tuesday

Hi. Welcome to Redeem the Commute. I’m Ryan, your host of the daily challenges. Yesterday I shared a story about mountain biking, and ending up in the wilderness where my group wanted to cross a river, and I doubted if this was a good idea. Today is Tuesday, the day we study the Bible together. […]

EPIC: Red Sea – Monday

EPIC: Red Sea – Monday

20 Hi, welcome to Redeem the Commute. I’m Ryan, your host for the daily challenges.  This week’s topic is part of our series called EPIC where we’ve been exploring how Jesus is found throughout the Old Testament part of the Bible. We’re reading some epic old stories from the Old Testament, some of which you […]

EPIC: Cloud & Fire – Friday

EPIC: Cloud & Fire – Friday

We pray and reflect on this week’s topic. You can [permalink append=”#comments”]Discuss the Challenge[/permalink] online, or by starting a local discussion group! Are you meeting just once a week with your discussion group?  You can find all of this week’s discussion material in our Weekly Study Guide

EPIC: Cloud & Fire – Thursday

EPIC: Cloud & Fire – Thursday

Welcome to Redeem the Commute. I’m Ryan, your host for this daily challenge. It’s Thursday, the day we try to apply and live out what we’ve learned this week from the Bible. This week we’ve been studying the story of Israel being led by a pillar of cloud and fire toward the promised land, and […]

EPIC: Cloud & Fire – Wednesday

EPIC: Cloud & Fire – Wednesday

Hi, welcome to Redeem the Commute. I’m Ryan, your host for the Daily Challenges. Yesterday we read the story of Israel being led toward the Promised Land, and away from slavery in Egypt. God knew they’d be easily discouraged, scared, when Egypt came after them.  Here’s how God kept them on track: And the LORD […]

EPIC: Cloud & Fire – Tuesday

EPIC: Cloud & Fire – Tuesday

Hi. Welcome to Redeem the Commute. I’m Ryan, your host of the daily challenges. Today is Tuesday, the day we study the Bible together. Last week we explored the story of Passover, leading to Israel’s chance to escape slavery in Egypt.  God orchestrated all this so they could be freed from slavery in Egypt, and […]

EPIC: Cloud & Fire – Monday

EPIC: Cloud & Fire – Monday

Hi, welcome to Redeem the Commute. I’m Ryan, your host for the daily challenges.  This week’s topic is part of our series called EPIC where we’ve been exploring how Jesus is found throughout the Old Testament part of the Bible. We’re reading some epic old stories from the Old Testament, some of which you might […]

EPIC: The Passover – Friday

EPIC: The Passover – Friday

We pray and reflect on this week’s topic. You can [permalink append=”#comments”]Discuss the Challenge[/permalink] online, or by starting a local discussion group! Are you meeting just once a week with your discussion group?  You can find all of this week’s discussion material in our Weekly Study Guide

EPIC: The Passover – Thursday

EPIC: The Passover – Thursday

  Welcome to Redeem the Commute. I’m Ryan, your host for this daily challenge. It’s Thursday, the day we try to apply and live out what we’ve learned this week from the Bible. This week we’ve been studying Preparing them to become a nation reliant on God’s deliverance.  But he’s also preparing to do the […]

EPIC: The Passover – Wednesday

EPIC: The Passover – Wednesday

Hi, welcome to Redeem the Commute. I’m Ryan, your host for the Daily Challenges. Yesterday we read the story of the Passover.  I asked you some questions about the meaning of all the symbolism. Why eat a roasted, perfect young male lamb?  Why put its blood around the door?  Why eat it all, quickly, wearing […]