Parenting Children - September 28, 2012

Day 45 - Passing on Beliefs and Values At Home, With Others and On Money

2. Our home environment
• make your home a place that your children want to come back to, where:
• they are free to be individuals not in a straightjacket of conformity
• there are boundaries but not legalism
• there is discipline but not authoritarianism
• there is more encouragement than criticism
• there is plenty of fun and laughter
• there is more gratitude than complaining and blaming
• there are apologies and forgiveness and the opportunity for fresh starts
• faith is more easily caught than taught
o children initially form their picture of God from the way their parents treat them show unconditional love

3. Involving other people
• the wider family
• other role models

4. Passing on our values about money
• pressures on children and parents from advertising and the celebrity culture
• give them choices with money - choosing how much to save, spend, and give away
• teach generosity, good management, and honesty
• help them learn the value of experiencing delayed gratification
• model a healthy attitude towards possessions

Complete the attached worksheet.

From Series: "Parenting Children Ages 0-10"

Study Guide

More Messages Associated With "Family"...

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  • we can become highly selective in our listening
  • most of us take listening for granted, yet it is possible to close OUR ears
  • listening has the power to make our husband or wife feel loved and valued
  • one of the most important skills to learn for a strong marriage
  • the Bible places great value on listening effectively

How do you feel when you are listened to?  How do you feel when you are not listened to?  To whom would you go if you needed a listening ear? What makes that person a good listener?